You’ll see RIASEC referenced in many places on the Career Puppy site. RIASEC isn’t actually a word. It’s an acronym and, in this case, it helps make an important concept easier to remember.
So ….. just what is RIASEC??
If you are a Career Puppy subscriber, you’ve probably already taken the Strong Interest Inventory. And your results came back as a combination of some of these letters -- RIASEC. Which means you ranked high as an R, an I, an A, an S, an E, or a C.
These letters relate to the Holland Codes developed by John Holland, an American psychologist. Holland claimed that the career choices we make are related to our personality types. That was back in 1958 and yet these codes still apply today.
There are six codes:
- Realistic (Doers)
- Investigative (Thinkers)
- Artistic (Creators)
- Social (Helpers)
- Enterprising (Persuaders)
- Conventional (Organizers)
Holland believed that “the choice of a vocation is an expression of personality.” That’s a lot of words to say personality = career choice. And we happen to believe this too.
The Strong Interest Inventory is at the core of the Career Puppy Career Exploration experience. When you take the assessment, results will come back in the form of these Holland Codes or Themes.
The assessment uses six General Themes to describe your personality and the kind of work you might like. You’ll probably find that it is a combination of two themes – sometimes three -- that best describe you.
If you’ve already taken The Strong Interest Inventory, you’ll get what we’re talking about. If you haven’t, subscribe to our Career Exploration Experience here and see what your personality types are.
(For reference, you can see a sample of the I Start Strong Report here.)