Teacher instructing students careers



If you are searching for a career planning curriculum for your students, look no further.

Career Puppy has been in the classrooms of some of the major school systems in the U.S. and has helped guide thousands of students toward successful career development.


For teachers, we offer no cost activities and instruction guides for classroom settings. These include planning tools and worksheets on four career lesson areas:

Career Awareness

Self Knowledge

Skill Application

Career Exploration

The guides are designed to be used in conjunction

with the career resources here on the Career Puppy website.

Our site features over 1100 career profiles and more than 900 career videos.

Also included are details about each career and

the personality types that will excel in that career.

(Career Puppy collects no personal information from your students)

The Career Puppy Career Exploration Experience

For YOUR Classroom

In addition to the  information available for educators (at no cost), we also offer a paid, self-directed career exploration program for individuals.

This experience includes administration of the Strong Interest Inventory Assessment and delivery of the assessment results as well as a guide to analyzing those results and using the Career Puppy site to explore careers and begin career planning.

The Strong Interest Inventory, built on psychologist John Holland’s theory, is backed by more than 80 years of research into how people of similar interests are employed, and what motivates individuals in the workplace.

Students who take the assessment will receive results that help identify their work personality and show how those interests map to six broad themes:







Many schools utilize Career Puppy’s Career Exploration Experience as part of their standard career curriculum. The individual price for the experience is $57.

Please contact us for volume pricing.

We’d be happy to work with you to make our program available to your entire classroom.

If you would like receive our Career Puppy Career Exploration Teacher's Guide (and other classroom resources), please fill out this form.